Safar-e-Shahadat – Martyrdom Of Sahibzada’s Of Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji

 Safar-e-Shahadat – Martyrdom of Sahibzada’s of Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji


To commemeorate Safar-e-Shahadat – Martyrdom of Sahibzada’s of Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the Punjabi Department of GDC Sidhra, under the able guidance of worthy principal Dr. B.B. Anand, organized an enlightening lecture by Prof. Gurjeet Singh, HOD Punjabi. He in his compelling lecture emphasized the martyrdom achieved by Four Sahebzadas and Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji. The martyrdom of the four “Sahibzaade” (Sons) is an important and integral part of the Sikh history and the occasion of their martyrdom is remembered, and commemorated both with great vigour and very acute sadness, by the Sikh community every year in the month of December. He highlighted the hardships of Four Sahebzadas, their courage and their honour and respect for their father, their pride in being Sikh, and their sacrifices. Sacrifice one’s life to uphold dharma has been an integral part of the Sikh faith. A shahid or martyr, by his supreme sacrifice for the right cause, bears testimony to its truth and to his own commitment to it. To ensure justice and to see that no one is oppressed is enjoined as a duty of every Sikh. The lecture was followed by screening of a short film on “Char Sahebzade”. This emotional film provided students with valuable insights on being brave and fearless. The event witnessed enthusiastic participation from students and faculty members.

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