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To raise awareness regarding the major problem that illicit drugs create in the society and to stimulate a sense of responsibility among people around the world, especially youngsters and teenagers towards creating a safe, healthy and drug free society, Anti Drugs and Rehabilitation Cell, GDC Sidhra under the aegis of IQAC organised an Awareness Program on Drug Abuse. The program started with an informative lecture presented by Prof Deepa Kak wherein she elaborated how drug abuse can lead to short and long term negative effects on individuals and society. Proceeding further she highlighted that drug addiction is the worst kind of addiction. It causes numerous mental and physical ailments. Once addicted to drugs, drug addicts lose their sense of control and become more vulnerable. Many of them commit suicide or get involved in different kinds of criminal activities. She therefore advised and insisted the students to keep a control on themselves and never resort to this evil habit that might spoil their life.
Moving further the students of different semesters also generated awareness by presenting their informative views regarding this topic. It was a highly interactive session.
The programme was organised by Prof. Deepa Kak, Convener, Anti Drugs and Rehabilitation Cell GDC Sidhra with active support and coordination of Prof. Shonima Malhotra member ADR cell and Dr. Indu Koul, Lecturer Dept. of English under the able guidance of worthy Principal of the college Dr. B.B Anand.
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