Awareness Program On Mesntrual Hygiene, HIV And AIDS Organised By ECO-CLUB “SRISHTI” Of GDC SIDHRA

Awareness Program on Mesntrual Hygiene, HIV and AIDS organised by ECO-CLUB “SRISHTI” of GDC SIDHRA


In continuation with the activities as per the plan for celebration of Constitution Day (Samvidhan Divas) under the theme “My Constitution My Pride” an awareness Program on Menstrual Hygiene, HIV and AIDS” was organised. The program was organised under the aegis of IQAC under the able guidance of Principal of the college Dr. B B Anand. The resource person for the awareness program was Dr. Anshu Gupta, Head Department of Environmental Sciences and Convener of ECO-Club “SRISHTI” of the college. She made the participants aware about the social taboos and myths associated with menstruation, medical implications of good menstrual hygiene, and simple but effective ways to deal with menstrual issues. She highlighted that lack of proper menstrual hygiene can be the source of genital tract infections which can later lead to infertility. It was also discussed how the ignorance about simple facts about menstrual hygiene can stall the overall growth of young girls, and become a hindrance to them getting a good education, and society as a whole needs to change its attitude about menstruation which is essentially a physiological process. One of the notable initiatives discussed during the event was use of Menstrual Cups as an alternative to sanitary pads. “The Menstrual Cup in not only cost-effective but also environment friendly, easy to use and maintain” she added. The menstrual cup is reusable and does not lead to the generation of bio-waste; hence saving the environment from tonnes of waste generated by the more commonly used sanitary pads. Further talking about HIV/AIDS she added that the programme's primary goal was also to inform and create awareness among the younger generation about HIV/AIDS prevention and management. She stressed on the necessity of raising consciousness of the illness as well as the significance of early detection and treatment. She also highlighted the importance of raising knowledge among young people, who are most at risk of contracting the virus. She stressed the importance of such awareness programmes in spreading knowledge regarding sensitive issues in a society like addiction and disease. In the end she further prioritized the importance of assimilating the knowledge from such awareness programmes to help reduce the stigma associated with Menstrual Hygiene and also prevent spread of HIV/AIDS in society. The program was successfully conducted with the active support of Prof. Meesha Bhagat, incharge for the conduct of activities under “My Constitution My Pride”; Prof. Deepa Kak and Dr. Anu Sharma, members of ECO-Club of the college.
Awareness Program on Mesntrual Hygiene, HIV and AIDS organised by ECO-CLUB “SRISHTI” of GDC SIDHRA

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