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Awareness Programme On Entrepreneurial Skill And Startups
Mastery of entrepreneur skill requires practice and a dedicated learning plan. These skills determine your entrepreneurial success. Successful entrepreneurs have mastery over both hard and soft skills. Department of Economics, GDC Sidhra in collaboration with Department of Commerce under the Aegis of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav, IQAC and G20 organized an awareness programme on entrepreneurial skill and startups.
Dr. Mussarat Chowdhary, H.O.D Economics welcomed the guests, faculty and participants of the programme wherein she highlighted the importance of the career in startups and entrepreneurial skill enhancements. The resource person for the programme ,Mr Areeb Malik, Marketing Coordinator of “Estrange Arora”, disseminated an emphatic lecture highlighting the various entrepreneurial skills and innovative ideas that the company stand committed to invite from the youth. He appraised the Job seekers and the students that no time bar in making earnings while learning in the company will make the job more comfortable and friendly. Dr.B.B Anand worthy principal of the college applauded the efforts of the organizing team and stressed upon the relevance of entrepreneurial opportunities that the student can utilize in the times ahead.
The programme concluded with a formal vote of thanks by Dr Satbir Kour. The event was organized by Dr Mussarat Chowdhary with the active support of Dr Satbir Kour, Ms Ritika Dogra and Dr Attaullah Niazi under the patron ship of worthy principal Dr B.B Anand.
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