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Electoral Literacy Club in collaboration with NSS unit of GDC Sidhra organized Collage making competition as a series of event to celebrate 75th years of adoption of Constitution of India. The theme of Creative writing activity was “Imagine country without Constitution”. Students of BA and B.Com IV and VI Semesters with full zeal and zest took part in the activity and aquatinted other students about the significance of Constitution day by their creative writing on the theme. Upon reading their viewpoints, it became clear just how relevant the Constitution is in our everyday lives, and it became impossible not to imagine what life might be like without a Constitution to give us the liberties and freedoms that we sometimes take for granted. The whole event was organized by Dr. Meesha Bhagat, Convener Electoral Literacy Club and Dr. Purvaiya Hans, NSS Programme officer with their teams under the able guidance of Dr. GS Rakwal, Principal GDC Sidhra.
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