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Cultural Bonanza Under YuvaSangam Initiative Of Ek Bharat Shreshth Bharat (EBSB)
IIT Jammu and GDC Sidhra organized Cultural Bonanza under YuvaSangam initiative of Ek Bharat Shreshth Bharat (EBSB).
NSS Volunteers of GDC Sidhra participated in “Buddy Program”, part of Yuva Sangam initiative under “Ek Bharat Shreshth Bharat” Program. As a part of this program, youth from North East state (Assam) visited Jammu to get exposure in the areas related to Tourism, Culture, Traditions, NGO and Self Help groups.
In the Buddy Programme students of GDC Sidhra got opportunity to interact with the visiting students, exchanged Cultural and Traditional talks, that enhances the understanding and bonding between states thereby strengthening the unity and integrity of India that is the main objective of EBSB under the G20 Presidency.India’s G20 Presidency is an opportune moment for Jammu and Kashmir to showcase the rich and unique Culture, Tourism and Tradition.
Prof. Manoj Aggarwal, Adviser IIC and CES, IIT Jammu, Dr. B.B. Anand, Principal GDC Sidhra, Dr. Mehmood Ahmed, NSS PO, Prof. Shonima Malhotra, Co-ordinator G20 Committee and Dr. Anshu Gupta, Convenor IQAC of the college were present on the occasion.
A total of 30 students of GDC Sidhra participated in the buddy programme. Students displayed their talents and cultural richness by performing folk dances, singing songs and cultural interactions. Prof. Manoj Aggarwal and Dr. B.B. Anand shared their thoughts by saying that it is heart-warming to see youths from diverse cultures belonging to different states experiencing diverse music, tradition and culture. Students of GDC Sidhra, also presented bunch of flowers and sweets as a token of love and bonding to the fellow students and faculty members from Assam.The programme ended with felicitation of students and faculty members from Assam by Prof. Manoj Aggarwal and Dr. B B Anand.
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