Debate Competition On Governance And Constitutional Role In Strengthening Of Democracy

Debate Competition on Governance  and Constitutional  role in strengthening of Democracy


Electoral Literacy Club in collaboration with NSS unit of GDC Sidhra organized Debate Competition on the theme “ Governence and Constitutional role in strengthening of Democracy”, as a series of event to celebrate 75th years of adoption of Constitution of India. The programme was started by Prof. Meesha Bhagat who acquainted students about the theme of the debate and encouraged them to participate in the competition enthusiastically. Debate was based on governance issues and constitutional framework of the Country. Students of various Semesters enthusiastically took part in the competition and expressed their views in favour as well as against the theme. The Competition was adjudged by Dr. Harpreet Kour, Head of Department, Political Science and Dr.Mussarat Chowdhary , Head of Department, Economics and declared that Tawyeeb Khan of B.A IV Sem got first position, second position was bagged to Priya of B.A VI Sem and third position has given to Ambika Sharma of B.A VI Sem. The whole event was organized by Dr. Meesha Bhagat Convener Electoral Literacy Club and Dr. Purvaiya Hans NSS Programme officer with their teams under the able guidance of Dr. GS Rakwal, Principal GDC Sidhra.

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