GDC Sidhra Organised A Digital Programme(Displaying Of Documentary) To Disseminate “Awareness On POSH Act”

GDC Sidhra organised a Digital programme(Displaying of Documentary) to  disseminate  “Awareness on POSH Act”


As Continuation of Constitution Day Celebrations, Literary Committee in collaboration with Sexual Harassment Committee and NSS unit of GDC Sidhra organized a digital programme to disseminate awarenesss among students about the prevention of Sexual Harassment Act (POSH) under “My Constitution My Pride”. The event was started with the formal introduction given by Dr. Meesha Bhagat, Convener of Literary Committee, about the historical background and essentiality and of POSH Act in India. The programme was comprised of displaying detailed digital documentary on the POSH Act and a comprehensive discussion among students with faculty members presented in the event. Documentary was mainly concerned with sexual Harassment of women at the workplace and its prohibition, prevention and Redressal. In documentary, students were informed about the provisions and preamble of the POSH Act and the history of its evolution and they further dispensed with the information that sexual Harrasment of women results in violation of fundamental Rights of a women to equality under article 14 and 15 of the constitution of India and her Right to Life and Live with Dignity under Article 21 of the constitution. The event was further concluded with the formal discussion among students about the famous cases fall under POSH Act . The event became successful and organized by Dr.Meesha Bhagat, Convener of Literary Committee with the Coordination of Dr.Anu Sharma, member of Sexual Harassment Committee under the able guidance of worthy Principal Dr.B.B Anand.

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