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GDC Sidhra Organised Awareness Program On POCSO Act
Dept. of Political Science in collaboration with Dept. of Botany organised an awareness program on POCSO Act under the theme “ My Constitution My Pride” for the celebration of Constitution Day.
Child sexual abuse is a heinous crime whose incidents are reported repeatedly day by day in India and thus it has become very important to generate awareness among childrens to fight against child sexual abuse. The Ministry of Women and Child Development introduced Protection of Children from sexual offences (POCSO) Act, 2012 in order to effectively address the crimes of sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children through more stringent legal provisions. With this motive, an awareness program was organised to educate the students.
Program began with brief introduction by Dr. Meesha Bhagat on the topic mentioned above. Program was divided into two parts. During first session, videos and documentaries were shown to the students to provide information on POCSO Act.. They were further detailed about the types of sexual abuses a child faces like penetrative sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault. Punishments and sections involved were also elaborated.
During second part, an informal discussion took place between students and faculty members in which students cleared their doubts about the act. At last a gist was given by the faculty members who were present there.
The event was organised by Dr. Meesha Bhagat ,Dept.of Political Science and Dr.Anu Sharma, Dept of Botany under the guidance of Principal of the College, Dr. B. B Anand.
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