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National Voters Day 2023
“The ballot is stronger than the Bullet” : Abraham Lincoln.
Government Degree College Sidhra’s Department of Political Science in collaboration with Literary Club under the patronage of worthy Principal, Dr. B.B Anand celebrated “12th National Voters’ Day” by showing documentary on the theme ‘Right to Vote and organised Intra-College Declamation competition on the topic “Nothing like voting and I Vote for sure” on 25th January to encourage the students for knowing their Voting rights. In continuation to this, a pledge was organized in relation to National Voters’ Day(NVD). The programme started with the brief introduction about National Voters’ Day given by Prof. Meesha Bhagat (Convener of Literary club) where she highlighted about the background of Celebration of National Voters’ Day that on 25th January the day is celebrated to mark the anniversary of the foundation of Election Commission of India. The students were encouraged to know the importance of this day by participating in Declamation where they expressed their view point regarding the importance of Right to Vote, and apprised about the Political process of the country. They highlighted the role of citizens especially the young voters to become part of decision making process of the Country. The Judges for this competition were Dr. Deepa Kak (HOD, Education) and Prof. Punam Rani (HOD, History) and Dr. Satvir Kour(HOD, Punjabi). The speakers were judged on various parameters like relevance to topic, their expression, confidence etc. Jattin Parihar of Vth semester was adjudged first whereas second and third position was bagged by Parvaiz Mohd. of Vth semester and Asrat Ahmed of III semester respectively. The emphasis of the event was to make the students aware about the ‘National Voter’s Day’ and to encourage them to take part in the democratic process of the country through Voting. The event ended with the NVD Pledge in which all the students, teaching and Non-teaching staff took part with full fervor and pledged to uphold the democratic tradition of the Country and to take part in every election of the Country fearlessly. The programme was ended up with concluding note of Prof. Meesha Bhagat, Department of political Science and Convenor of Literary Club. with the Contribution of Dr. Harpreeet Kaur (HOD Political Science).
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