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One Day Workshop On Personality Development At GDC Sidhra
One day workshop on Personality Development at GDC
Career Counselling Cell of GDC Sidhra today organized one day workshop on
Personality Development Programme under the aegis of Employment
Information cum Advisory Bureau (EIAB), Department of Lifelong Learning,
University of Jammu, Jammu. The workshop commenced with formal welcome
by Dr. Harpreet Kour, Head Department of Political Science followed by
introductory session on the theme by Dr. Rewa Khajuria, Counsellor
Department of Lifelong Learning. The first two sessions were conducted by
Madam Neetu Dhar, Chairperson, Jammu Pariyatan Vikas Co. Ltd. And Chief
Coordinator JKDCUL, on the topic ‘Time Management’ and ‘Body Language’.
She expressed her views and made our students to understand these concepts in
a very lucid manner. After a little break, the next two two sessions were
proceeded by Madam Swati Basotra, an entrepreneur, a motivational speaker
and presently working as a freelancer. She clearly focussed on four things in
anyone’s life to become a personality you want to be, namely Purity of heart,
Clarity of thoughts, Sincerity in actions and Spirituality in conscious. The whole
event was conducted under the able guidance of Dr. G S Rakwal, Principal
GDC Sidhra. The formal vote of thanks was presented by Dr. Mussarat
Chowdhary, Head Department of Economics. The whole event was attended by
Dr. Purvaiya Hans, Convenor Career Counselling Cell, Dr. Deepa Kak, Dr.
Shonima Malhotra, Dr. Anu Sharma, Dr. Mehmood Ahmad, Dr. Rudrika
Khajuria and all other faculty members.
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