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World Blood Donor Day
To conduct the Awareness Programme on World Blood Donor Day the Red Ribbon Club in collaboration with NSS Unit of GDC Sidhra under the banner of Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav orgainsed Poster Making Competition and Pledge Ceremony on World Blood Donar Day. The purpose of organizing the event was to sensitize the youth regarding importance and tremendous health benefits of donating blood.
Principal Dr. B.B. Anand congratulated the winners and appreciated the efforts of participants for contributing their efforts for awareness program. He emphasized pertinently on strongly sensitizing students towards developing social sensitivities and strong need for blood donation drives amongst youth of our country towards the cause The participants were judged by Dr. Harpreet Kaur HOD Political Science and Dr. Mussarat Chowdhary HOD Economics of the college. In this competition 1st prize was bagged by Akita Rajput B.A Sem-II, 2nd by Vishal Samyal B.A Sem-IV and Ankush Singh B.A Sem-II and 3rd position goes to Abhav Singh B.A Sem-II. The whole event was organized by Dr. Satbir Kour Convener RRC and Coordinated by Dr. Mehmood Ahmed Programme Officer NSS of the college.
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